Feline Care: What Cat Owners Need to Know About Gingivitis

Cats often have gingivitis, which is inflammatory gum disease. Most cats over three years old get gingivitis and other dental problems because of their diet, illness, or physical defect. Because their teeth aren’t in the right place, short-nosed breeds like Persians are more likely to get gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums can be excruciating and, if not treated, can lead to the loss of teeth, bone infection, and germs spread into the bloodstream through infected oral tissues. Bacteria spread through a cat’s body can hurt other organs. Both preventative and emergency treatments can help lower the risk of gingivitis and improve your cat’s health.

How to diagnose gingivitis in cats?

Cats are very good at hiding their pain, so even if they are in a lot of pain, they might not show it. Even cats that eat normally and move around a lot can have bad dental disease. Taking your feline to the vet once a year for a regular checkup which includes veterinary internal medicine is the best way to determine if it has dental disease. A vet may notice diseases while watching an animal.

How to treat gingivitis in cats?

Gingivitis is treated by removing the plaque and tartar that have built up on the teeth and fixing or pulling out any damaged or unstable teeth. To treat inflammatory dental diseases, routine teeth cleanings and X-rays should be done while the person is asleep. When necessary, a veterinarian will take out the teeth of a cat with stomatitis. This helps make sure that the cats’ mouths don’t hurt.


How often you check your cat’s teeth has a link on how bad his or her periodontal disease is. If your cat’s teeth are too close together or if it still has baby teeth (also called “deciduous teeth”), your vet may suggest that you have them taken out. Your vet will show you how to clean your cat’s teeth correctly, and you should bring your cat in for regular checkups.

How to prevent gingivitis in cats?

One way to avoid gingivitis is to use a toothbrush and toothpaste made just for cats. You can find these items at pet supply stores. For cats to get used to brushing, it should be done slowly and often at first.

Make your cat comfortable with toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Put some treats next to the toothpaste and toothbrush on the counter so the cat will think of them as good. You can even let them lick a little toothpaste off your finger to get used to the taste.

Make your cat comfortable with you touching their mouth.

Choose a dental care method your cat likes and use for cat and dog teeth cleaning. As they get used to it, you should start putting it further inside their mouth, on their teeth. By doing this, they will get used to touching their mouths, making it much easier for you to give them toothpaste.


Now that your cat is used to having their mouth touched and near the toothbrush and toothpaste, it should be much easier for you to clean their teeth. They should focus on the outside teeth and brush along the gum line for 15 to 30 seconds. After that, they should get a treat.


You should visit your vet if you think your cat has dental problems. Your vet can look inside his or her mouth, which isn’t always easy at home. If your cat can’t close his or her mouth or has stopped eating, you should call your vet immediately.